Talk:Julie Varghese

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Julie, I really liked your introduction. It was an exciting start to the rest of the reflection. I felt you did a nice job of showing the potential of avatars and then bringing it back to what you were going to reflect on, and your goals for the assignment.

I thought you did a good job of explaining your initial perceptions of the evolver software, and the challenges that you faced in creating an Indian looking avatar. You explained the issues well, and did a good job of expressing how you felt about only being able to make a character from three racial groups. You continued to do a nice job of showing what issues you ran into in imitating other features. I especially liked your story of when you fell off of your bike, and the difficulty you had of recreating the bump on your nose. I think the real stories are powerful towards explaining your point.

I thought your goal of making an avatar that was which was difficult to determine it’s racial identity was creative, and fit well with the TEDex talk on the fluidity of identities in an online environment. I also thought it showed the freedom you felt in using the tools to create a fantasy avatar. However, I wasn’t sure how strong of a cultural reference a TEDex discussion was, in relation to the rest of your paragraph. I also had a couple formatting suggestions. I think it would be helpful to break your reflection down into sections with headings. I think this allows for a little breathing/break room when the reader goes through. I also saw that you gave a reference and link to the TEDex video, but thought you could insert a footnote, or hyperlink in the actual reflection portion.

Overall I thought it was a good reflection, and felt you put a lot of thought into creating your two identities.

- Burt Colon