Call of Duty: Black Ops 1

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Set in the 1960s, the story follows Alex Mason, a CIA operative who is found in a mysterious room, interrogated by an unknown assailant. He is tortured for “numbers” and we follow him recalling his past bringing Mason back to his past. In the Bay of Pigs, Mason is beaten and captured by Russian soldiers. He is sent to a Russian gulag where he meets a friend named Victor Reznov. In a fight between the two, they resolve their conflict and plan to escape the gulag together. Soon after this, they take advantage of the situation and escape the Gulag however while escaping, Mach was unable to jump on the train, leaving mason to escape by himself. In a future mission, Mason reunites with Reznov, and they work together with CIA operatives Jason Hudson and Frank Woods in a series of missions hunting down the chemical weapon, “Nova 6”, created by Russian forces. At the height of the mission, Mason watches Reznov kill the german scientist responsible for creating nova 6. It is later revealed that Mason was the one who killed the scientist as he had been brainwashed by a Nazi scientist during his imprisonment at the gulag. It is further revealed that Reznov never escaped the gulag and he was only part of Mason’s imagination. The unknown assailant reveals to Mason that they are his ally, Hudson, and helps Mason remember the number station that plans to deploy chemical weapons across the United States. Mason remembers the numbers and joins Hudson and Frank in taking over the ship, stopping Nova 6 from reaching the United States of America.[1].


Black ops1 is a first-person shooter game with the same movement and mechanics as previous generations with the exception of Dolphin diving. Dolphine diving allows players to dive across the ground while prone. This mechanic helps players dodge explosives and avoid enemy fire. Players play game modes as soldiers, equipped with a primary and secondary weapon alongside lethal explosives. When low on health, the screen will present blood across the screen which goes away due to regeneration over time.


Black ops1 offers a traditional multiplayer mode where players are able to a variety of game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy, Search and Rescue, Ground War, Sabotage, Capture The Flag, Team Tactical, Free-For-All, Headquarters.[2].


Building off the previous Call of Duty World at War, teams of 4 players fight hordes of zombies, trying to reach the highest possible round. This game mode comes with three free maps known as Kino Der Toten, Five, and Dead Ops Arcade. Kino Der Toton takes place in an abandoned Nazi theater in Berlin where players can play as Tank Dempsy, Edward Richtofen, Takeo Masaki, and Nikoli Belinski. Five takes place in the Pentagon where players are able to play as John F Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Richard Nixon, and Robert McNamara. The Dead Ops Arcade is a map unlocked after completing the main campaign storyline.



  1. Richard, W. (2020, December 20). The Complete Call of Duty: Black Ops Storyline Explained. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from
  2. Game Modes | Call of Duty Wiki - Fandom. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from