Talk:Jessica Kim

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Revision as of 17:50, 18 February 2020 by Dforystk (Talk | contribs) (Comment: David Forystek)

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Hi Jessica,

I enjoyed reading your post. It's not very surprising that due to the commonality of your name you weren't able to find many results through a Google search. I too, after this assignment, will be more aware of what information I type while online and be more cautious of what can happen with that information. I feel the post was a bit short though. To expand on it, you may want to include some insights from the weekly readings and perhaps be a bit more descriptive about what information you were able to find, without giving it away obviously. This would not just make your post longer, but provide more context into who you are and what information you were or were not able to find. I also feel the post can be enhanced by adding at least one more image, perhaps of the article you were able to find about yourself from high school that you mentioned. I think it would add a personal touch to the post and make it feel more complete.

David Forystek