Talk:Laila Elnaggar

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Revision as of 19:49, 21 February 2018 by Reeyad (Talk | contribs)

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Hi Laila— I think you have a great start here. The anecdotal opening about your parents hovering over your shoulder was really nice and it seems really relatable to many people in this generation. I like how that transitions into a discussion of the evolution of your interaction with social media and how it has changed over time. I thought one of the most interesting moments in your autobiography was when you mentioned deleting everything from middle school. I think you could discuss this choice a bit more—what exactly about the content made you want to delete it? How did it compare to the types of things you were posting at the time you decided to delete it? I think this sort of self-censoring and sort of cleaning up of one's online identity is interesting and worth a bit more analysis. I'm wondering if you might relate deleting content on Facebook to deleting your entire Instagram profile? The autobiography seemed weighted more heavily on a discussion of Facebook, so expanding a bit on the Instagram section might be helpful too. Another part you might want to interrogate a bit more was your discussion of photography and editing as a hobby—maybe these things grew out of the social media age/interacting with Instagram? I just related to this because I think that I developed more of a habit/liking of photography from looking at other photographers' Instagram feeds and the whole "iphonography" movement. I guess it might be interesting to question how photography as a hobby might be connected to your online identity. Overall, nice work! ---Ashley Bock (ambock)

Comment 2