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Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet and other forms of online and computer technologies to stalk, harass, and threaten a person, group or organization. The action of cyberstalking can include but is not limited to threatening behavior, unwanted advances, monitoring, identity theft, soliciting sex to minors and the gathering of information to use to stalk. Cyberstalking can sometimes be accompanied by or lead to in-person stalking.


Facebook and other social networking sites can be used to cyberstalk.

As a relatively new trend due to the rise of technology used within our society, cyberstalking can be done by anyone that can use a computer and log onto the Internet. Cyberstalking includes sending unwanted, threatening, or obscene email, posting obscene or threatening messages in discussions or forums, using the internet to gather private information, tracking somebody’s Internet activity, and more. Cyberstalkers may or may not know their victims. If they do not know their victim, then they can find their targets through social media, chatrooms, discussion threads and many other methods online. Some people believe that more and more people are getting involved in cyberstalking due to the ease of anonymity. Some of these people would not have engaged in offline stalking for fear of being caught.

Who Is Involved


Cyberstalkers can be anybody. They may know their victim or they could be completely random. Leroy McFarlane and Paul Bocij [1] recognize five types of cyberstalkers:

  • The Rejected Stalker is someone who had an relationship with the victim, either romantically as a friend or as a family member. They are motivated by wanting both revenge and reconciliation.
  • The Intimacy Seeker is someone who tries to achieve a relationship with someone that has peaked their interest and whom they might mistakenly believe returns that interest.
  • The Incompetent Suitor is someone wants to develop relationship but cannot seem to do so within the social rules of courtship. They are often intellectually and/or socially incompetent.
  • The Resentful Stalker is someone who wants to payback their victim for some supposed injury or humiliation they have caused.
  • The Predatory Stalker is someone is gathers information for the purposes of preparing for an attack.


Everybody can be a victim of cyberstalking. In fact, in a study about cyberstalking victims, over 82% of the respondents had experienced cyberstalking in one form or another [2]. Common victims include but are not limited to women, children and teenagers, or past/present intimate partners.

Ethics of Cyberstalking

There is much debate on whether cyberstalking is considered unique to in-person stalking, or if it is just under the umbrella term of stalking regardless of what in what context the stalking was taking place—online or offline. This debate falls under a large theme of whether computer ethics are considered unique or not. In the case of cyberstalking, traditionalists would argue that stalking is stalking no matter if it was done online or offline, while philosophers would argue that there are some aspects of cyberstalking that are unique, such as the new scope at which stalking can now be carried out online and the ease at which personal information can now be found online [3].

For more information see, Uniqueness of Computer Ethics.

Cyberstalking and the Law

The US Federal Anti-Cyberstalking laws include 47 USC 223, 18 USC 2261A and the Violence Against Women Act, pertain to any cyberstalking cases crossing state lines. Otherwise, state cyberstalking laws are considered.

However, not every state has a specific cyberstalking law. The National Conference of State Legislatures keeps a complete list on which states have cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and or cyberbullying laws [4].

Examples of Cyberstalking Cases

Amy Boyer

Main articles: The Amy Boyer Case.

Amy Boyer, 21, was murdered in October 199 by Liam Youens who had stalked her online. Youens used the Internet to find information out about Boyer such as where she lived, where she worked, what type of car she drove, and other such information. He also created two websites concerning her. One site was all about Boyer’s personal information and the other site was Youens’ detailed plans to murder her [3].

Joelle Ligon

Joelle Ligon was cyberstalked for six years by James Murphy, and ex-boyfriend. Murphy sent Ligo emails from an alias email accounts that started out as unwanted and later turned pornographic. Murphy also posted Ligon’s phone number in discussion threads and chatrooms that led to Ligon getting phone calls from men asking for sex. During the time cyberstalking was not yet outlawed in Washington State, where Ligon lived and worked, so the police said there was nothing they could do. Ligon then sought help from the FBI. After a long process, Murphy plead guilty to two counts of Internet harassment [5].

See Also

  1. McFarlane, L. An exploration of predatory behaviour in cyberspace: towards a typology of cyberstalkers. First Monday 8.9 01 Sep 2003: unknown-unknown. University of Illinois, Chicago, in cooperation with the University Library.
  2. Bocji, P. Victims of cyberstalking: an exploratory study of harassment perpetrated via the Internet. First Monday 8.10 01 Oct 2003: unknown-unknown. University of Illinois, Chicago, in cooperation with the University Library.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Tavani, Herman T. The uniqueness debate in computer ethics: What exactly is at issue, and why does it matter?. Ethics and information technology 4.1 01 Mar 2002: 37-54. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  4. "Cyberstalking, Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying Laws." NCSL Home. 26 Jan. 2011. Web. <>.
  5. Ho, Vanessa. "Cyberstalker Enters Guilty Plea." Seattle Post. 29 July 2004. Web. <>.

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