Machine Learning Underlying Technology and Ethical Issues

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Machine Learning is a subfield of Computer Science that has its roots in the 1950s but gained recognition in the industry starting during the 1970s. The field of machine learning has grown significantly since the 1970s due to the rapid increase in computational power as well as the decreased costs. At a basic level, machine learning algorithms process and learn from a set of data given to them called training data, the model they build can then be used to predict new data that they have not seen before[1]. Machine learning allows for the analysis, pattern detection, and prediction of massive amounts of data far better and more efficient than a human or team of humans ever could. This has brought upon many great benefits through the use of machine learning. For example, image analysis for medical purposes, data analysis in business, and object recognition for autonomous systems just to name a few[2]. Despite the practicality of machine learning, unintended negative effects of models in the form of various biases have emerged. Harmful societal stereotypes have been unintentionally perpetuated through the use of machine learning which has negatively impacted various groups of people. One incident of bias was Apple Credit Card offering smaller lines of credit to women when using machine learning to determine creditworthiness.


  1. P. Louridas and C. Ebert, "Machine Learning," in IEEE Software, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 110-115, Sept.-Oct. 2016, doi: 10.1109/MS.2016.114.
  2. P. Louridas and C. Ebert, "Machine Learning," in IEEE Software, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 110-115, Sept.-Oct. 2016, doi: 10.1109/MS.2016.114.