Talk:Tom Auty

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Revision as of 17:08, 20 November 2012 by Davefein (Talk | contribs)

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Hi Tom,

First off, I think your style works for the content you are discussing. Your tone comes off as sarcastic and a little reserved which matches on to how you see your avatar as witty and self-aware. Furthermore, your casual style shows how natural you and your avatar represent each other. You do a great job in describing what tools you like to use and how you feel they impact the impressions that others have of you. Overall, the reader can see a genuine image of your avatar and the type of actions he might perform on Facebook.

Ways to perhaps engage more in the discussion of your avatar more could be to discuss inherent temporal discrepancies or perhaps problems that arise in a lack of embodiment in relation to your avatar. You discuss whether you see your avatar as an accurate portrayal, but it might add more depth to bring up how even with an accurate avatar, one can experience issues. You discuss how in the past you have perhaps addressed these issues by purging periods of your timeline due to job searching or revamping your image. It would be interesting to learn more of the specific reasons you considered when performing these purges. It can also be an interesting comparison when you consider how these issues come up in your real life, if they even do, and how you deal with them in that context.

David Fein