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Revision as of 23:49, 19 February 2018

Hi Tom! I really enjoyed reading your piece. It was very different from the other articles I have read and I really liked how you blended your music with your social media usage and found it to work really well together. I had no idea how important it was for influencers to retweet/like content in order for it to become popular and it totally makes sense why your social media is tailored to your hobbies/passions in order to be seen by someone. I think it would be super interesting to compare and contrast a normal social media site like Instagram or Twitter with a social media site designed for sharing and streaming music like SoundCloud or Spotify and how your habits on each platform differ. Additionally, I think your piece could really improve by using some quotes from readings from class. It would be really interesting to see how you self-present yourself on these different platforms and maybe show examples of some inspiration. Lastly, your post had a few typos but other than that it was great! -Jamie Leeds