Talk:Technology in Criminal Investigation

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I really love your take on this topic! I am incredibly interested in this developing field and thought you did a great job of introducing it. Overall, you are well below word count, but I see you have added a couple of sections that you have yet to write in so I'm sure you will have no issue reaching the word count on your final draft. I think one way you could reach this word count is by really emphasizing how each technology from the past has helped develop new ones. This could be in the form of popular scientific studies, changes in our views of forensics, or just money mixed with improvements in the digital age. I hope in the forensics section you can go into depth on the different types of forensic evidence and how they are each used to prevent the corruption that you introduced in the history paragraph. Also I would love to see counter arguments as well so we can see both sides of these modern technologies.

I think you're on track for a great structure with your history followed by introduction of current technologies and then ethical concerns. However, I would suggest adding a more rounded or longer history section. The history section is currently only one short paragraph and I felt like the ending wasn't the best to jump right into the modern technologies. I wish you could adjust this section to create a fluid chronological flow where you understand the history and why this technology is important.

I think the clarity of the article is not fully there yet. I think most of this is due to the need for more content to meet the word count, but I am also slightly confused on your approach to the historical side of technology in criminal investigations. I would suggest moving your current history paragraph to a history of the police force section and then create a separate introduction to use of technology in criminal investigations. This is because before the talk about the 1900s, you discuss technologies that were merely used in the police force, but not specifically in criminal investigations. If you want to talk about all police technology, however, I would suggest changing the title of your article.

I do think most of your wording is objective, however, I sense a negative tone when you talk about the relationship of police and politics. I think this could largely be due to where you obtained this information from, but I would try to add more about the actual actions they took in politics rather than just saying they were corrupt without much evidence in your article to support that. Another interesting take could be to add a direct sentence about how technological improvements combatted biases and political involvements or what the police reform actually entailed rather than just stating it was reformed.

Additionally, I am wondering if an entire section looking back at the ethical challenges is the best approach or if it would be better to incorporate the ethical issues in as you go through each modern technology. I also think ending with a paragraph on the future of criminal investigation and current studies that are ongoing to improve biases and ethical issues within the criminal system.

Finally, I would love you to incorporate famous criminal cases that included these technologies. I know the OJ Simpons case and their presentation of DNA was a huge shift in criminal investigation and the jurors decision. I could see this manifesting in your current technology section or its very own section.

I think you are on a great track and have a rough outline, but you definitely need to add substantial amounts of content. I hope my input was helpful and good luck on finishing up your article!