Talk:Ruth Moon

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Sulayman Ali

Hi Ruth. I enjoyed the introduction you wrote. It seems like we both had similar upbringings in terms of our connection to the internet. This makes it more likely that we leave a traceable digital footprint. It would be really cool to read more about what your data broker report actually contained. Currently, you say that it's not accurate, but I think it would be interesting for you to explore why the report is returning false info. I also think you forget to fill in the "Analysis of My Online Identity" section. I definitely look forward to reading it when you do fill it in.

Emily Fischer's Comment

First of all, you have a super cool name. Your voice is very clear throughout your writing, and I enjoyed the image you included. However, I wish you had finished your analysis section. I know how hard it can be to analyze your data identity when limited information is available online (I had a similar experience), but you could use this to your advantage and perhaps discuss the implications of this anonymity. Like the person above said, it would be nice if you included more specifics about what you found, even if it wasn't actually about you. I think you have a really great start here, and I look forward to reading the rest of your analysis!