Talk:Melissa Frohman

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I thought that this was a great, detailed description of your Facebook self. I feel like I know you without having met you. I liked the way you incorporated a couple of quotes that were relevant from lecture. I thought one at the beginning and one at the end tied the page together very well. I also like the way you organized the part of your page about the communities. It was a very unique way of doing it and it was a creative idea. One slight change to that area I would recommend would be to modify the two communities so they both describe your profile as a whole. I think the second focuses much more on your high school days whereas the first focuses on your college life. I understand what you are saying but I think the more noticeable differences should be about college versus professional life than about college versus high school. Another thing that's not a major issue, but the last couple sentences of your intro are a bit confusing. I'd probably try to re-word them. Overall, great job.


I like how different sections of your autobiography all explain how you compose your Facebook mainly based on following the “community standards.” It’s an accurate depiction of a code that I think all of us consciously or subconsciously follow. I also like how you were able to tie this all in with the themes of authenticity (not showing the boring parts of life on facebook), temporality (keeping up with changing social standards), and embodiment (representation in different communities). As a suggestion, I think you could've talked a little more about the other elements of Facebook. Your article is mostly centered around photos, but I think wall posts, comments, chat, etc also affect your online identity. Overall, I feel like I learned a lot about your internal thoughts when using Facebook and how you choose to present yourself.

–Allen Wu