Talk:Internet Regulation in India

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Siddarth’s article is 923 words, which meets the length requirement for the draft.


His opening paragraph summarizes what the article will discuss, specifically India’s internet regulation. To improve, he should consider briefly discussing some ethical issues in the opening paragraph.

Siddarth has multiple sections in the article, which satisfies that requirement. His “Subsequent Legislation” section clearly outlines the current laws regarding internet regulation in India. To improve, he should consider adding information about ethical issues/controversies (if applicable) to each current law. In his section titled “Proposed Legislation”, Siddarth clearly explains data privacy laws/digital laws that the government of India was considering/is currently considering. Similar to the “Subsequent Legislation” section, Siddarth should consider adding information about ethical issues/controversies (if applicable) to each proposed law. In his “Ethical Concerns” section, Siddarth clearly explains the ethical issues behind privacy in India. He should consider adding more information to the “Privacy” section, as well as other relevant ethical issues regarding internet regulation in India. Siddarth provides references to reliable sources.


The issues that Siddarth describes in his article are clear and well written. It is easy to understand the ethical issues discussed in Siddarth’s article and why they are important, as outlined in his “Ethical Concerns” section. To improve, Siddarth should provide more detail in the “Ethical Concerns” section with different viewpoints on the ethical issues (if possible).

Objective Reporting

The ethical issues that Siddarth reports on are discussed objectively. His statements are supported by references throughout the article. To improve, Siddarth should try to incorporate multiple differing opinions (if possible) on the ethical issues he writes about, such as opinions supporting data privacy, and opinions against data privacy. Siddarth does not argue for anything in the article/does not mention any personal opinions and maintains a neutral point of view.

Siddarth, great job so far on your draft!