Talk:Censorship on Twitter

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The article is around 960 words, which is above the 900+ word count requirement.


The opening paragraph is clear in introducing the topic of Twitter censorship, but you may want to also include a short introduction to support the statement that this topic has been historically controversial and briefly introduce its ethical implications. You have a strong understanding of what sections you want to break your topic into according to the subheadings you have included in the wiki, and they seem to all be relevant. Do not forget to talk about the ethical problems inside some of the sections, for example, you could include how the banning of journalists may be restricting freedom of speech. You include relevant citations to support your claims and you do a good job of using statistics that are relevant in supporting your topic, but I would suggest looking into more scholarly sources for more reliable information.


The topic is clear to me and is described in the intro, however, expanding on the history section will definitely give it a clearer intention. There is not really a discussion of the ethical implications in the article, and I think this is a big part that should be added throughout the article. It is not clear yet what the issues of this topic are yet.


The topic of Twitter censorship is definitely controversial and I would think that the ethical implications also include different points of view, such as freedom of speech vs hate speech censorship. The article is written from an objective point of view and does not use personal opinions. The author is not arguing for a specific view and is only reporting facts and real events.