Talk:Cash App

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The word count of the Cash App article did not reach the required word count of 3000 words. The article did have a decent amount of writing with about 1000 words. The lead paragraph of the article had an adequate amount of detail to introduce the topic to the reader even if they are unfamiliar with the material. The History section of the article is broken into two subsections. The first subsection details the history of Cash App's development. For an app that was developed five years ago in 2017, there could be more information included in the section to better describe the development history of the app. The other subsection, Growth and giveaways, gave a lot of useful information on the subject. Perhaps with more time, the author of the article could include some other subsections to History like other notable events in the app's history. App features, another section in the article has five subsections the first four seem to have enough detail. However, the fifth subsection, Investing, could dive deeper into how investing in cryptocurrencies and stocks work on the platform. Particularly, the author could include if there are transaction fees or if fractional trading is possible. The Competitors section is empty but from the subsection titles, it seems that the author will be able to write meaningful information in the future. The final section, Ethical concerns, is incomplete. However, their first subsection, Fraud, is well written and detailed. They have another subsection that is empty. The author should be able to finish this subsection and add more subsections about the ethics of Cash App.

The Wiki post for Cash App does an excellent job of implementing the first major component of an article. The opening paragraph of the post is able to effectively summarize what Cash App is. It is able to provide enough detail about the subject while still being brief. The body of the article is filled in some parts but not in others. The sections which are filled out are done well for the most part. The areas of the body that are completely written do a good job of explaining to the reader what the subject of the section is in a manner that is descriptive yet brief. There are some sections and subsections which are not completely implemented and need to be fleshed out more. Unfortunately, there are some headings and subheadings that are not completely furnished. Those would need to be written in the future in order for the article to completely inform the reader about Cash App. Fortunately, the author has done a great job in the areas of the article that are complete. As long as they maintain that effort the rest of the post should be good. The author of the post has done an outstanding job of incorporating the third major component of an article by effectively citing sources throughout the article. With every fact or piece of information mentioned in the article, there is an appropriate external source that provides more information on the subject. The author does not plagiarize the external material and uses paraphrasing and sentence restructuring effectively.

Cash App's wiki article does have an entire section dedicated to ethics. However, it is not fully written. In order for the article to effectively convey the ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding Cash App, the author should include more subsections detailing other ethical issues Cash App has had and is currently going through. Of the one subsection that is complete, it is well written and gives a brief overview of the topic but could be further expanded upon. Though it seems that the author is aware of this and has mentioned it in the article

For the most part, the article does a stellar job of maintaining a neutral point of view. All of the information given in the post is given in a manner without bias. Although, there is one small fix that could be made in the last sentence of the lead. The tone seems a little informal and out of place. The sentence does not necessarily show the author's opinion but it could be restructured to fit the style of the rest of the post.