Talk:Calvin Kerns

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Hi Calvin,

I like how you opened with an anecdote about how you browse the internet online. I have never thought about using a pseudonymous email or name before, and I think this is an interesting idea. I think in the section titled 'Google Search', you can find a way to consolidate the usage of parentheses stating (I'll discuss this later on) since it is said many times, although this is a minor edit, it does interrupt the flow of your ideas. I was a bit confused when you discuss the DHSP and say 'which is when I wrote this quote', I don't really understand what this means, if you could clarify here. I like how you discussed that your Facebook is the only profile that represents how you look now, with a mustache and beard. I thought this was an interesting point, since you could be hard to identify if someone expected you to be clean-shaven. I would advise you to turn the 'Comprehensive Portrayal' section into a few sentences rather than just one, but I mainly wish you had more space to discuss what is missing from your online identity. I think condensing the amount of detail on each accurate search result that appears would allow you to discuss more of what's missing, and how you feel about it, which would be interesting to hear.

Overall, I think this was very interesting, great work! Nell Steinmetz

Madison Ericksen's Comment

Hey Calvin! I really enjoyed your style of writing and it was fun reading about your data research journey. I like that you addressed the validity of each section's results. One suggestion I have is to play around with the structure you have, maybe consider separating the validity discussion into its own main section for example. I also really liked how you talked about the impression people may get from the information they find about you, and I think you could dive deeper with that topic: is this the impression you want others to have? How much control do you have over this impression? Starting with a hypothesis and then addressing it in the conclusion was really effective in my opinion. I would also suggest to take that further and expand your conclusion. I'd love to read more about your new thoughts after correctly predicting your search findings, specifically if you discovered anything about the causes, the consequences, or if you feel a call to action to change anything about your data identity going forward. Again, thank you for an engaging and fun read!