Talk:Artificial Intelligence Assistant

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The article has not yet reached the final word count of 2500 words. The current length of the article is almost exactly 1000 words. The opening paragraph is a good length. The body of the article has some blank sections and the rest of the parts are quite brief. If the author adds a little bit more depth to the sections already written and fills in the blank sections, they will be able to reach the required word count.


The article does include the 3 major components of a good article. The opening paragraph starts off with a brief description of what Artificial Intelligent Assistants are, transitions into how they work and what technologies they rely on, then goes into what the AI assistants are capable of doing. I think the opening paragraph would benefit from a one sentence, quick overview of the ethical concerns since that is covered later in the article. The body is divided up well into five different sections such as history, functionalities, and ethical implications. Not all of the sections are filled in, but they are all important in understanding the topic. So far, there are a good amount of reliable references. They are recently published and seem to come from credible authors. The only thing I would change is that instead of just the article link, use APA format.


The issue at stake surrounding Artificial Intelligent Assistants is very clear to me. There is an entire section dedicated to the ethical issues that they pose. The author covers Privacy and Biases & Discrimination. It is important to know the dangers of your data possibly getting into the wrong peoples hands or the bias that could happen with these AI Assistants. Users should know of these risks if they are to use AI Assistants. Since the article is not at the full word length yet, it may be beneficial to elaborate on each issue a bit more or adding additional ethical issues such as cultural issues or children users.


The article is reporting on ethical issues and the topic overall objectively. The author does not state personal opinions or argue for a certain viewpoint. The use of references in the ethical implications section help reinforce that neutral point of view.

Reviewed by Elizabeth Wu