Talk:Addictive Design

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Length: This documents word count is 972, good job! Adding a section on the history of addictive design in non-technological contexts could provide context and deeper insight into the topic. Additionally, including a section or subsection on the "10 dark practices of UX" could further explore the negative consequences of addictive design and add depth to your writing. These suggestions could help to lengthen your article for the revised version, I am also trying to come up with some more subtopics to write about. Structure: The article has all 3 structural components and it follows the wiki guidelines. Clarity: The information presented in the article is clear, concise, and to the point. The material is easy to understand and well organized, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to gain a quick understanding of the topic. The straightforward approach allows the reader to quickly grasp the main points and move on to other sources for further exploration if needed. Overall, the article effectively communicates its information in a simple and effective manner.objective: The article is well written and easy to understand, making it a great resource for readers. The neutral point of view is well maintained throughout the text, providing a balanced and objective representation of the topic.