Unabomber Manifesto

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“Industrial Society and Its Future”, commonly known as “The Unabomber Manifesto” is an essay written by the former domestic terrorist Dr. Ted Kaczynski. It touches on the subject of the advancements of technology and the industry and how such advancements will produce more negative outcomes than positive ones in the future, leading to the demise of the human race. The manifesto was first published in both The Washington Post and The New York Times on September 19, 1995, after Kaczynski threatened to mail another bomb if the manifesto was not published, although he later said we would only send one more bomb after the publication. After the release of his manifesto, Ted’s brother, David Kaczynski, managed to identify the writing style to be of his brother which led to him being identified and detained. [1] [2] [3]


Theodore Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski was born on May 22, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois. He is the oldest of two children from parents of Polish descent. At an early age, he showed a lot of academic promise. At the age of 16, Ted got accepted to attend Harvard University where he pursued a major in mathematics. After finishing his undergraduate he decided to pursue his graduate studies at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.

Kaczynski accepted a position as an assistant professor at UC Berkley but later abandoned the position and decided to adopt a primitive lifestyle and build a cabin in Lincoln, Montana. In 1978 he mailed his first homemade bomb headed towards Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. This started a chain of several domestic terrorist attacks directed primarily towards university professors and airline facilities, hence the name the Unabomber (UNiversity and Airline BOMBER). He continued his attacks for the span of almost two decades from 1978 to 1995. In the time he managed to kill three people and injure many more in a total of 16 planned attacks.

His manifesto was published after threatening to make another attack on September 19, 1995, soon after he was caught after his brother recognized the writing style being of his brother Ted. He was arrested on April 3, 1996. On January 22, 1998, Kaczynski pleads guilty to all charges and was given eight life-sentences without parole. He is currently serving his sentence in U.S. Penitentiary Administrative-Maximum Facility in Florence, Colorado.

Inside of Kaczynski's cabin


The manifesto is organized in paragraphs where each paragraph is numbered from first to the last paragraph starting at number one (1) and ending in paragraph two hundred and thirty-two (232). Each conglomerate of paragraphs was organized into sections that referenced an idea that the author wanted to discuss. They were the following:

Introduction, The Psychology of Modern Leftism, Feelings of Inferiority, Oversocialization, The Power Process, Surrogate Activities, Autonomy, Sources of Social Problems, Disruption of the Power Process in Modern Society, How Some People Adjust, The Motives of Scientist, The Nature of Freedom, Some Principles of History, Industrial-Technological Society Cannot Be Reformed, Restriction of Freedom is Unavoidable in Industrial Society, Technology is a More Powerful Social Force than the Aspirations for Freedom, Simpler Social Problems Have Proved Intractable, Revolution is Easier than Reform, Control of Human Behavior, Human Suffering, The Future, Strategy, Two Kinds of Technology, The Danger of Leftism



The manifesto considers the development of left-wing ideologies as a consequence of the technological advancements in society and proceeds to analyze what it terms as “Leftist Psychology”. It believes that the motives of the person considered a leftist are rooted in a sense of inferiority of oneself and in order to satisfy the perceived inferiority, the leftist seeks to fulfill this need by attributing power to the collective of socially perceived inferior groups and negating individual or group-specific superiority.

It considers the leftist as someone “oversocialized”, in the sense that it has to follow the moral and cultural rules of society to such a degree that when it does not follow the social moral code it justifies their actions by saying that they are following other socially acceptable moral rules.

Power and Success

Its argued in the essay that humans have a biological need for the attainment of power and it is wired to seek that power, but when an individual achieves power with little to no effort it is left feeling incomplete. Given that human’s biological needs are a lot easier to satisfy in today’s age than it was before, people are left with a need for accomplishment of a difficult task in order to feel powerful. Due to this, the human has created what the manifesto calls “surrogate activities”, which are defined as activities that are not performed to obtain the essential biological needs such as food, reproduction, etc. For example, the mastery of an instrument, being the best at a certain sport or being the best at your profession. A failure to have a surrogate activity leaves the individual with low self-esteem and in a depressed state since it cannot find a meaningful purpose in life.

Then it compares the modern human to the primitive one, stating that the fulfillment of life and the feeling of accomplishment and power was easier to satisfy by simply accomplishing the basic biological needs and managing to survive, thus the human did not present as much depression or low self-esteem. As technology advances, humans would be substituted by the machines and would need to find other ways of fulfillment and usefulness until there is virtually nothing that the machine couldn’t do that we could and make our whole existence pointless since the power will be allocated in the machine. This is to further the argument that the technological advancement of society will bring us down and humans, therefore, should go back to their primitive state.

Freedom and Technology

Freedom has been limited through technology in the sense that as new technologies develop, new laws and restrictions are made for the adequate use of such technologies and the individual has to conform to those laws in society limiting what one is able to do and not to do.

Reforming the system in a way that individual freedom stays unaffected is not possible since advancements in technology change society in ways that are difficult to control by any means given that society is so interconnected that its changes on it are very unpredictable.


It suggests to the reader that a revolution of the people will be a better choice than a government reform in order to fix the problems brought by the industrial era. In order to start a revolution, it is mentioned that it needed to promote social stress and instability in the industrial society and to spread the ideology discussed in the manifesto. In addition, it was stated that the revolution should be made seem like a fight between two opposing forces in order to gather more support for one side. The conflict should be nature vs technology and should be promoted as such.

Ethical Implications

The manifesto touches on the ethicality of humans continuing to invent new technology to facilitate and better our life to a certain extent. It argues that as more and more technologies get developed, we humans will have fewer and fewer things to do and work towards which will lead our existence to be purposeless. Leading society as a whole to be unsatisfied with life and causing several mental illnesses.

I see the argument Kaczynski is trying to make and so far it deserves to be considered given that since the publication of the manifesto, technology has greatly flourished yet the rates of depression and suicide have been at an all-time high in many developed nations.

One can argue that currently what gives purpose to humanity to improve and progress as a species and technology is a key component for this objective given that it has help society stay more informed, it has increased the global life expectancy, and in general, improves our quality of life. But to this, he responds that such activities like creating new technology do not give true purpose to humans and instead categorizes them as surrogate activities. He says that the only activities that truly give us purpose are the activities we do in order to survive and satisfy our basic biological needs, such as scavenging for food or making a warm shelter to survive cold nights. I see that there is a logical flaw in this given that the reason that technologies exist is for fulfilling these basic necessities. Yes, there exists technology created for the sole purpose of leisure, but going back to a primitivistic state would mean abandoning all the technologies that have improved our ability to satisfy our basic needs. We created tools to hunt and feed ourselves, fire to keep us warm, and we invented writing so that future generations know about their ancestor’s mistakes. These were known as advancements in technology in their own time.

I do agree that there are technologies that are unnecessary. To this, I agree that its existence should cease. But I also have to admit that they are a product of organized systems that we have put in place in order to facilitate our basic needs such as capitalism. The by-product of it is that we have technologies that are meant for leisure such as video games or toys.

Kaczynski has a valid point when he says that humans will slowly cease to exist as technology advances, due to the necessity of having more humans is to work as a collective and increase our chances of survival but when machines are already doing that then it becomes pointless to continue to further the species. To that, I respond that that is an inevitable circumstance of being brought into existence in the first place. Our purpose is to survive as much as we can, but not forever. If our current industrial society is what maximizes our time of survival on this earth then there is no reason to change it.


  1. “ The Unabomber Trial: The Manifesto.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 1997, www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/unabomber/manifesto.text.htm.
  2. Chase, Alston. “Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 6 Sept. 2019, www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2000/06/harvard-and-the-making-of-the-unabomber/378239/.
  3. “Ted Kaczynski.” Edited by Biography.com Editors, Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 16 Jan. 2020, www.biography.com/crime-figure/ted-kaczynski.