Talk:Wen Hoong Ling

From SI410
Revision as of 13:14, 19 February 2019 by Ziihuang (Talk | contribs) (editted zi's comment)

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Zi's feedback

Hi Wen,

This was a very informative data identity statement, and the information you include really shows that you have a good understanding of yourself and how you change across different platforms. The headers (The Search, Who Am I? and What Now?) provided a conclusive journey through your identity. I would advise cutting some of the irrelevant search results in the "The Search" as it was rather repetitive, and focusing more on analyzing those results that were relevant to you.

In your second and third sections, my biggest question for you is why? Why do you portray your data identity so differently across platforms (aside from the intent of each platform)? Furthermore, what prevents you from posting more of your real life online? Where do you draw the line for privacy and how much do you choose to share online? Adding these personal touches will make the paper stronger because it will be more grounded in the sense of who you are, rather than performing (another) online identity through this wiki. I also suggest seeking other ways of increasing the authenticity of the wiki relative to the real you.