Talk:Sara Otto

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Hey Sara!

That was an awesome piece to read, extremely well written and I really appreciated how clear and open you were in your writing. Some things I really enjoyed were how frank and genuine you were about your usage of Facebook. A lot of people tend to fabricate themselves on the digital realm in order to make them seem better than they are in real life. You write about how you want to represent yourself on Facebook as you are in real life and how, even though you selectively post, any time you do post, it is completely genuine. My favorite part of the article would definitely be the opening post about your digital avatar and how to actually posted on Facebook to grab the reader's attention.

Something I think could be improved in your article is hashing out some ethical implications of your behavior on Facebook. Obviously, it is pretty hard to judge whether your own digital actions are ethical or not, but I think that would add an interesting discussion going about the ethical implication of selective posting. Talking about why you choose to be extremely genuine online versus digital fabrication and the idea of "self", I think, would be a really cool topic you could discuss in your writing.

Amazing job!

Best, Bryant