Talk:Samarth Sarin

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Hi Samarth, I was drawn to your MediaWiki post because I noticed we both have personal websites that we would like to encompass who we are. In addition, we both have unique names, which makes it easier to find our data online. However, I was surprised that the data broker report did not find enough detail on you, given your unique name. There’s definitely a contradiction between your “unique name” in real life versus on the Internet. You should consider connecting this to Floridi’s idea of your perception of yourself is altered through content posted about them online. Your pictures could also seem more relevant to the over-arching idea because the Google Images segment confused me a little. Is your image search not representative of who you are? Why do you think your data broker report had no information on you?

- Aashia Mehta

Hi Samarth,

Like you, I believed that my unique name would result in an uncomfortably extensive description of my digital footprint. I ended up not being able to find myself on any data brokers either, yet my other family members showed up. I also appreciated your story about not being able to have a facebook until you graduated highschool; I feel that it puts you in a pretty unique situation among at least most of your college peers. Maybe you could reflect on those two things a little more. What are the profound implications of having such a unique name, and how has joining social media so late made you different from your peers? Have you not seen any difference at all, and would you thank you parents for being so protective?

- Jason Pi