Talk:Reeya Desai

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Hi Reeya! Your intro provided a great moral question to carry the personal image(s) captured over different social media platforms through the rest of your wiki that I feel a lot of people, including myself, can relate to. How can we say we value individuality if the most popular posts on Instagram, twitter, and facebook seem to highlight the opposite? How can we be completely honest about our lives when different audiences can interpret popular slang, jokes, references, and thoughts in wildly different ways?

I also find it interesting that, in approaching the question about how to highlight individuality over social media, the audience over different platforms causes us to curate posts on these platforms differently- posting about lacking a boyfriend on twitter is received better than it would be by the family-friends who would see a post like that on Facebook. This also brings up an interesting point, that we perform for the audience that receives these messages, therefore the audience over each platform receives a different glimpse of our personality instead of the whole picture. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, since family members won't always understand young-adult slang like our friends do, so it's ok to keep those separate and doesn't mean that we're not acting as our true selves.

Overall, I speak in "we" and "our" because I agree with your approach to posting on different social media platforms. I also find myself curating posts on different platforms for the audience that will receive them because overall, posts that get the most attention are those that others can relate to and understand. It's just not worth the time explaining slang terms or popular references in captions to those who won't find the humor in them, and takes away the value of the interaction if the point is totally missed.

Great explanation of your different personas created over twitter, Instagram, and facebook! I would like to see examples of posts you would share with the audience over facebook with posts you feel more comfortable sharing with your peers through including screenshots. I like that you explain how your family perceives you differently than your friends do and how this influences the way you post. I think you could break up the "At the end of the day" section a little more between how your family understands you vs. how your friends do to enhance readability, but overall I enjoyed your content and it all flowed very nicely. Great job!! -Kelly Shashlo