Talk:Olajide Jegede

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Revision as of 22:03, 26 February 2020 by Acortezr (Talk | contribs)

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Ananya Sharma comment:

Hi Olajide! I really like the detail of information you added pertaining to your google search, it really brings to light the extent of personal information that is publicly available. Furthermore, you bring up a very relevant point with the low barrier to entry for a lot of the data sites, which could potentially attract malicious internet participants. It is definitely something to think about!

To improve, I would suggest imbedding your pictures into the body of the article as it would really complement some of the important factors that you mention. I also think having a more distinctive conclusion would create a strong end to your post and effectively summarize key points you mentioned. As professor Conway noted, it would be interesting to compare how your image on digital platforms and social media websites differs from your true self. Given the sheer amount of information you found in your google search, it would be valuable to examine its validity and accuracy of representation. Overall, it was a very interesting post and you could definitely expand on some great points!

Alexandra Cortez

The Truth. Make sure to capitalize "Google", "Twitter", "Youtube", "TV" every time they are mentioned. Also why are you/your family doing so many interviews? This might be interesting to talk about your public identity and how the Internet puts that on display. What was wrong that you were surprised about?

Profile Search Websites. I thought this was a really interesting section. I would like to see a little more detail a little more explicitly speaking about how this relates to ethics. You also mention that you were surprised to find inaccurate information. What effects might these inaccuracies have in the hands of others?

Then And Now. This section feels a little awkward. Perhaps because previously you didn't really mention your previous experiences with social media/digital technology. I think it might be more interesting to keep this specifically about you rather than broad statements like "it's not difficult to find information on yourself anymore."

Overall. Break up these sections into smaller paragraphs. This are really dense walls of text right now. Maybe try integrating the pictures throughout.