Talk:Johnson Ching

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What I really enjoyed about this piece was how you went through your progression of Facebook use and highlighted how changes in who you were led to changes in how your Facebook avatar behaved. I would have liked to see you spend more time on the specific features beyond friends and pictures, such as wall posts, groups and messages. It might have been interesting to see how you and your Facebook avatar were affected by new features such as timeline, post editing and seen by (I know you briefly touched on timeline). I liked the use of third person throughout the piece, although I think switching to 1st person, or perhaps referring to yourself as Chucky instead of Johnson in the conclusion would have helped keep with the theme of progression over time. In the loss of embodiment section I really liked how you talked about the increased time, effort and maintenance that came into your avatar when you had to start maintaining privacy settings and that made you decide it was easier to just deactivate your account temporarily. However, I would have liked it if you talked about how you broke down your privacy (who gets to see the most, who gets to see the least) and perhaps spent more time elaborating on why it became worthwhile for you to just deactivate the profile for certain periods of time. It also would have been nice to see you talk about how your real identity/life was affected (if at all) by these periods of deactivation (less informed, more productive?). Overall I liked this piece and thought it raised an interesting idea about how our Facebook use changes as we grow up. My one complaint would be that you could have been a wee bit more creative with your delivery.
