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Revision as of 18:25, 31 January 2023 by Shingari (Talk | contribs) (peer review)

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The article is 1005 words which is above the 1000-word minimum requirement. The final article should hit around 2500 words or above but this is on the right track. The article so far does follow a good structure. It starts with a lead that describes the technology issue of interest, the app BeReal. The lead objectively describes the technology along with describing its purpose and the general functionality of the app without delving into the ethical issues or the more technical features of the app which is good. The body of the article is currently divided into three parts, the history, features, and public reception of the app. The features section is further divided into parts that describe the functionality of the app such as memories and reactions and parts of the phone that they use such as the front and back cameras. The references are listed at the end of the article but t follow the correct format, they should also be linked as references using the [1] format that renders as a superscript above the area in the article where the source is referenced (this will also automatically create the references section in the article so that you don’t have to make it yourself). Doing this early and as you go on will make it easier than doing all of the references in the end. The issue at stake is clear to me because the writing is very straightforward. While the ethical issues haven’t fully been elaborated on, there is a build to them such that including the ethics would flow well. There are some statements throughout the article that indicate possible ethical issues. The article is objective and all opinions are reported as opinions of the authors of referenced articles, not of the author of this wiki itself, and multiple sides are shown. The article looks good so far.
  1. “source”