Talk:Alyssa Schmidt

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Place Holder -David Kim

Hi Alyssa, I really enjoy the sort of inverted structure you present in your intro (and then flesh out in the final paragraph)—the idea of what you can't learn from someone's social media presence. I think this is an interesting take on the autobiography. I think what's missing from your autobiography is attention to the audience. Who do you think is viewing your profiles? Who do you intend to be viewing your profiles? You discuss briefly how you have different privacy settings for family and friends, but I think you could expand on that a bit. You show your profile how it looks to someone who is not friends with you, but what does it look like for friends? How do you decide what to share with which group of people? Those are just some questions you might consider exploring if you were to add to this. I also would like to see a bit more on how the different platforms impacted your social media identity. Why did you expand to Twitter and Snapchat? Was it to interact with different people or express a different side of yourself? I think the kind of 'social etiquette' unofficially assigned to different platforms is really interesting and might be relevant to include here. Overall, great start! ---Ashley Bock (ambock)