Talk:Aidan Brewster

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Revision as of 20:09, 20 November 2012 by Rachelrj (Talk | contribs)

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Aidan Brewster: Your initial question of “Does authenticity of self-presentation matter” is one that I have often pondered in examining what the last impact of my online identity is in the “real” world, and the manner in which you outline the shortcomings of Facebook as an accurate social medium was an enjoyable read. That being said, I feel as a fellow pre-law student and a competition-level gamer there was a distinct lack of analysis on the part of your specific Facebook elements, and that highlights such examples would have contributed greatly to the wonderful philosophical arguments you make throughout. For example, if you have any, what “likes” or “quotes” that you have on your Facebook profile speak to the depth to which it fails to reflect you as a person? Additionally, family members (if I recall correctly) need to be approved to show up on your Facebook profile. As someone who has listed numerous family members and a significant other, there must have been some level of personality reflection there that signified your desired to publicly identify with these people. I understand the desire (or generally apathy towards) presenting all elements of your lifestyle or aspirations on your profile, but as you stated in your conclusions, there is that nagging desire to update information, and so it begs the question as to why/what are your motivations behind when you need to “update” your online identity.

Stylistically, it is a well-constructed entry and flows logically in line with what the assignment asks for. The style suits the arguments and presentation very well and was clear throughout. I enjoyed the read through and thoughts/ideas you examined.

-Andrew Sylora

Aiden Brewster -Rachel Joyce