Soumya Tejam

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My relationship with my online identity rests on the dichotomy between pathological prudence and meticulous curation. Wary of the responsibility of maintaining a social media presence while upholding a somewhat inflated persona, I’ve tread the sphere of social media with two accounts, zero posts and a lot of caution. On the other hand, eager to develop my personal brand, I’ve catalogued a small army of publications and professional personas for the world to see.

My online identity, then, is built on two principles: I control what information I share on the internet and I must take responsibility for that information.


The insights from this assignment are a far cry from the idealism I have cultivated over the past several years. I began with a simple google search query with my full name and made my way through individual social media platforms. With each step, the false safety of having a carefully curated identity on the internet fell apart as I discovered dormant spam accounts that were started as a joke, news clippings about projects and competitions, and privacy statements that reflected none of my values. My most disconcerting discovery was this: my online identity encapsulated far more than what I put out on the internet. Instead it was an amalgamation of posts and articles by the people around me, organizations I was attached to and cracks in privacy policies.

My online identity isn’t created by me, it is created for me.


Google Search



My 'spam' instagram account that shows up under the instagram account that I do control.


Privacy Settings






