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Ransomware 2.png

Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed for disabling access to a user’s computer system, effectively holding it “ransom”, until a predetermined sum of money is paid.[1] The unintended result of clicking on an infected browser popup or visiting a compromised website, payment generally takes the form of an anonymous Internet-based currency like Bitcoin. As a rule, victims of ransomware do not share a common demographic or set of characteristics. Anyone who browses the open Web without the proper safeguards in place or neglects to abide by common sense security practices are vulnerable to the effects of this malign software.

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Subheading #1

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Subheading #2

Ethical Implications

Ethics Subheading

See Also


  1. (2010). ransomware. In Stevenson, A. & Lindberg, C. (Eds.), New Oxford American Dictionary: Oxford University Press. Retrieved 24 Apr. 2016, from http://www.oxfordreference.com.proxy.lib.umich.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780195392883.001.0001/m_en_us1444048