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Revision as of 05:25, 23 April 2017 by Nzeffer (Talk | contribs) (Professional Scene: Added Tespa section)

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Overwatch Logo.png
Overwatch Cover.jpg
"Overwatch Cover" [1]
Type Video Game
Launch Date May 24, 2016
Status Active
Product Line product
Platform Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Website https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/

Overwatch is a video game created by Blizzard Entertainment and was released on May 24, 2016. Overwatch is a first-person shooter genre game, with 24 different heroes to choose from to play. Each hero has a different style of play, and each player picks a hero based off of their preferred style of play. There are 6 players on each team in the standard game mode, with 2 teams per match total. There are four main categories of hero play styles: tank characters, offensive characters (often referred to as DPS, which stands for damage per second), defensive characters, and support characters. Different combinations of these heroes can lead to different strategies within the game. Overwatch is often praised for its diverse cast of characters.

Professional Scene

Blizzard Entertainment is sometimes criticized for a lack of proper management over their competitive Overwatch scene. As it stands, there is currently no Blizzard-sponsored Overwatch tournament that exists. Instead, tournaments are created by third-party sponsors. It is unknown whether or not Blizzard has any plans to change this at this time.

One of the tournaments in place for Overwatch as of right now is Tespa, although this is only at a collegiate level. Over $100,000 worth of scholarship prizing was offered by Tespa in a tournament in Fall of 2016.[1]


Name Name Name Name
OWAna.png Ana OWBastion.png Bastion OWDVa.png D.Va OWGenji.png Genji
OWHanzo.png Hanzo OWJunkrat.png Junkrat OWLucio.png Lucio OWMcCree.png McCree
OWMei.png Mei OWMercy.png Mercy OWOrisa.png Orisa OWPharah.png Pharah
OWReaper.png Reaper OWReinhardt.png Reinhardt OWRoadhog.png Roadhog OWSoldier 76.png Soldier: 76
OWSombra.png Sombra OWSymmetra.png Symmetra OWTorbjorn.png Torbjorn OWTracer.png Tracer
OWWidowmaker.png Widowmaker OWWinston.png Winston OWZarya.png Zarya OWZenyatta.png Zenyatta
  1. Tespa Collegiate Series - Overwatch https://compete.tespa.org/tournament/27