One America News Network (OANN)

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One America News Network (OANN), often referred to as One American News (OAN), is a far right-wing cable network launched in 2013 by Herring Networks, a for-profit independent media company founded by conservative businessman Robert Herring [1].

OAN Logo


The network has a strongly conservative stance across all subject matter, and established itself as a fervent supporter of Donald Trump during his presidency. While its website includes categories such as sports and entertainment, the bulk of its content is US politics.

As of March 2021, its prime-time lineup consists of Real America, In Focus, Tipping Point, After Hours, and Weekly Briefing. All five are centered around politics and offer a far right-wing perspective. Its nightly program, Real America, presents itself as “real news for real Americans” created for people who are “sick and tired of the biased, one-sided fake news media that’s been tearing our country apart.” [2] A similar sentiment is expressed across all its major broadcasts.

Tomi Lahren, best known for her current role as a commentator at Fox News, hosted On Point for OAN since 2014 as her first job in news media.


White House Press Conferences

The favoritism of President Trump granted the network preferential treatment by the White House during Trump’s term. Their correspondents were regularly chosen during press conferences and praised by Trump as a “great network” [3] that “treats [him] very nicely” [4] throughout his term. Trump also regularly tweeted posts and reports by OAN including unfounded claims of election fraud [5] and the Obama administration using the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign [6] , among others.

The network was granted special privileges during the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with CDC social distancing guidelines, representatives from different organizations were given access to the White House briefing room on certain days to avoid crowding. OAN reporter Chanel Rion regularly attended press conferences on days not designated to her, claiming to have been invited by the White House and given permission to circumvent the requirements. She was continually chosen for questions by Trump despite the apparent infraction. [7]

Rachel Maddow Lawsuit

OAN has been engaged in a legal dispute since 2019 against MSNBC correspondent Rachel Maddow, whom they accused of defamation after she referred to the network as “literally paid Russian propaganda.” The court determined that Maddow was speaking in hyperbole [8] and ruled in favor of Maddow in February of 2021, fining OAN $250,000. The network announced its intention to appeal the decision . [9]

YouTube Suspension

In 2020, the official OAN YouTube channel was suspended for spreading misinformation after posting a video claiming that a cure existed for COVID-19. It also received a strike and lost its monetization. [10]

Ethical Concerns


Numerous reports from employees and internal emails have claimed that it’s common for Herring and other executive producers to influence reporting in a way to advance a conservative agenda. While it claims to deliver “straight news, no opinion,” it routinely pushes stories that condemn abortion and downplays police shootings as part of an effort to portray Trump and the Republican party in a positive light. In one case, Herring restricted the reporting of any polling data that did not have Trump in the lead. [11]

Conspiracy Theories

One America News Network is a well documented promoter of conspiracy theories on wide ranging topics, usually with little to no credibility.

Jack Posobiec

OAN features reports by Jack Posobiec, a conspiracy theorist well known for propagating the infamous “Pizzagate” hoax [12] as well as conspiracies surrounding the murder of Democratic National Committee staff member Seth Rich, claiming that he was killed due to investigating crimes of the DNC. [13] During protests over the death of George Floyd, he claimed that pipe bombs were found in Washington DC. [14] A Park Police spokesman later confirmed that this statement was unfounded. [15]


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, OAN has amplified numerous false claims about the origins and seriousness of the virus. Early in the outbreak, it supported the unfounded conspiracy that coronavirus was less deadly than the seasonal flu, stating that the death rate was significantly lower than the World Health Organization found it to be. [16] In 2021, the network ran a headline claiming that there is a “99% chance COVID-19 was lab-made” [17] and an article continuing to circulate claims that hydroxychloroquine is an effective way to treat the virus. [18]

2020 Election

Following the results of the 2020 presidential election, OAN has made numerous claims that Donald Trump was the rightful winner and Democratic candidate Joe Biden did not win on legitimate terms. This included accusations of voter fraud, tampering, and compromised voting machines. [19]


  1. Rob Herring Linkedin
  2. Real America Trailer
  3. Trump likes OAN
  4. Twitter Trump likes OAN
  5. The Trump Archive
  6. The Trump Archive
  7. Washington Post
  8. Maddow Scholar
  9. Lawsuit Update
  10. CBS
  11. Washington Post
  12. NY Times Polobiec
  13. Seth Rich
  14. Pipe Bomb Tweet
  15. No Pipe Bomb
  16. Covid flu
  17. covid man made
  18. hydroxychloroquine
  19. Election fraud