League of Legends

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League of Legends is a online competitive multiplayer game created by Riot games. The game was first released on on October 27, 2009 for the Windows platform. The official release date for the Mac version has not yet been determined. Currently, Mac users can enjoy the game through a few unofficial modifications.

Game Play

The game focus strongly on team work and collaboration. Players are divided into 2 teams of 5 or 3 players depending on the gaming mode. Each player controls a "Champion" which are fantasy characters. The team must work together to advance through a series of towers and minions to reach the enemy "Nexus" which signifies a flag in a Capture the Flag game. The Champions gain experience and money when defeating enemy minions, towers, and Champions. The Champion levels up gaining new abilities in each level and the money can be used to purchase new items to increase the stats of the champion. The game ends when one team destroys the other team's Nexus.

Gaming Etiquette and the Tribunal

Every player who wishes to play league of legends must sign a electronic contract stating that they would adhere to a set of rules call the "Summoner's code." The Summoner's code states clearly what is acceptable gaming behavior and what is not. If a player fails to follow the Summoner's code, he/ she would be at risk of being reported. A player can be reported for the following reasons:

Harassment: Offensive Language – Including, but not limited to language that is vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. Harassment: Verbal Abuse - Including, but not limited to, language that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable. Griefing: Intentional Feeding - Purposely dying to enemy champions or turrets to make the opposing team more powerful while putting your team at a disadvantage. Griefing: Assisting Enemy Team – This includes using all-chat or Summoner abilities to assist the opposing team in any way. Unskilled Player - If you feel that a Summoner is not playing well - such as not last hitting, not using the right skills, having the wrong build, and having poor map awareness, you can report that player for being unskilled. Refusing to Communicate with Team – Applies to any Summoner that refuses to use chat or pings. Leaving the Game/AFK - This includes logging out or exiting the Game before a match ends as well as standing idle for long periods of time or refusing to participate in the match at all. Negative Attitude – Any Summoner that is constantly putting other Summoners down or being generally negative about the game. Inappropriate Name – Select this option is you see a Summoner name that is falsely indicative of an association with Riot Games, contains personally identifying information, infringes on the proprietary rights of third parties, or that is offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. This also applies if the name uses a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent this restriction on Summoner name choices. Spamming - Whether for personal or commercial purposes, by disrupting the flow of conversation with repeated postings of a similar nature is a reportable offence.

Player Rating

League of Legends recently developed a feedback system for players to rate other players after each games. This rating system consists of 4 different ratings which are "Friendly", "Helpful", "Teamwork", and "Honorable." These ratings are used as a way for players to gauge the playing habits of other players. If a player has been friendly or helpful to another player, the player can have the option to add a point to the other player's rating.

Ethical Issues



