Ethan Aziz

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Like most people around my age, I grew up connected in the info-sphere. In elementary school and middle school, I had access to computers where I would make accounts and publish data of me online. I got my first smart-phone in middle school and, as social media became more popular, I started using social media. My parents always told me to be careful of what you put online since "once you put it online it stays there forever", so I was always conscious of what I would put online or on social media. Looking back, I barely posted on social media and believe that most of the data I would find online about me would be from school events or from playing tennis. Therefore, I believe that my online Data Identity will not be reflective of who I am today, but merely static uploads, like screenshots, from past events in my life. Additionally, I believe that an accumulation of these screenshots will paint a narrow view of myself growing up.

Google Search

When I do a google search for "Ethan Aziz", a third of the results on the first page were actually about me. I was surprised to see this as when I searched my name years ago, I remember maybe seeing one or two results relevant to me and then the rest were about Aziz Ansari. The three records about me were all my social media, which were LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, respectively. This is somewhat unsurprising in that they are some of the things I browse on the most, but I also rarely post on these platforms.


My linkedIn profile page

This was the very first result that popped up in my google search and it reflects my academic and professional life. I think that my linkedIn has the most information about me, especially current information, than anywhere else that I would know about. If someone I didn't know asked me what online resource contained the most information about me, I would say linkedIn. It is the culmination of a headshot, where I went/go to school, where I've worked in the past, my technical skills, and more.

While all of this information is authentic as it is all true information about me, it is not all-encompassing. I certainly like to think that I focus on academics and my professional career, but this is the result of targeted wording in my bio and job descriptions to project the image I want others to see about me.

Present Usage


Philosophy Behind Use Change

Looking Forward
