Ethan Aziz

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Like most people around my age, I grew up connected in the info-sphere. In elementary school and middle school, I had access to computers where I would make accounts and publish data of me online. I got my first smart-phone in middle school and, as social media became more popular, I started using social media. My parents always told me to be careful of what you put online since "once you put it online it stays there forever", so I was always conscious of what I would put online or on social media. Looking back, I barely posted on social media and believe that most of the data I would find online about me would be from school events or from playing tennis. Therefore, I believe that my online Data Identity will not be reflective of who I am today, but merely static uploads, like screenshots, from past events in my life. Additionally, I believe that an accumulation of these screenshots will paint a narrow view of myself growing up.


Portfolium profile for an internship


Social Media Use

Past Usage

14-year-old me's Facebook statuses


Present Usage


Philosophy Behind Use Change

Looking Forward
