Talk:Cybersecurity Ethics in the United States of America

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The length of this article is 2329 words including headers, which meets the requirement of 1500 words.

You also included an open paragraph that summarizes the article. I think you did a good job explaining what cybersecurity is, and I liked that you listed some guidelines that people in cybersecurity are supposed to follow. There are four body paragraphs. The background section did a nice job of letting the reader know why this is an important topic and the significance of cybersecurity. The references for every statistic you listed were there so that was also good. For the Cyber Warfare section, it was good that you included an opening paragraph describing the topic. It might be a good idea to get a perspective other than Kilners in the section of the article though. If you have only the perspective of one person the section of the article could have biases. I liked the different sources that you used in the hacking section. Same thing goes for the surveillance section as well.

Yes, the issue at stake is clear to me. I think it might be a good idea to include an ethics section for cybersecurity as a whole, or maybe an ethics section within each topic. This way it is easier to find the ethical issues that arise in each topic.

Yes the article reports on the ethics of cyber security objectively. No where in the article did I feel like I was reading it from your perspective . There were no personal opinions in the article, there are multiple stakeholders involved in the controversy. All of the paragraphs except the one that only had Kilners perspective were good. As I said earlier, it would be a good idea to have another perspective there. No argument is being made that you are simply describing a controversy.