Talk:Alexa Rathi

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Comment from William Babbitt - Hi Alexa, I want to start by saying this was a very interesting wiki page. You did a good job of overtly addressing the idea of the difference between your online identity and your real identity. You laid our your argument very clearly and made a good effort to back up parts of it. However I do think that you could consider revisiting parts of your argument. For example, the first part of your argument, about the two version of yourself, is well addressed in the "Decoding Data" section, but the second part about time isn't really backed up or mentioned again. If you want to keep this as part of your argument I would consider adding more reflection to touch on it, perhaps in place of the closing section on privacy laws which currently feels a bit out of place. I also think you could drop this part about "time" entirely and expand the other areas of the wiki. From the perspective of the quality of your writing I think this page was quite nice. I appreciated some of the formatting decisions you made such as the use of bold text and the splitting up the "Google Data Dive" section into specific queries. The only thing that stood out to me was in the bulleted list you have a point about "who you are biologically" and then you don't touch on that anywhere else on the page. Overall though I think this was a well done wiki page that addressed all parts of the assignment.

Comment from Emily Choe

Hi Alexa, this was a really interesting wiki page! I think you did a good job at identifying the differences between your online identity and your true identity. I liked how you outlined the different results from each query, and I think it would have been interesting to hear you discuss these findings deeper, such as what your Instagram says about you if a user follows your account and if this more closely reflects your true self. I think including your analysis of your real self vs online self throughout could strengthen your argument, maybe you could try to discuss your ‘decoding data’ section and how they align with your query results to help this flow better. I found it really interesting that end of the article you discuss how you blame yourself for the data online about you, I think it’d be really interesting to hear you expand on what you find necessary to share online, like your LinkedIn, and other things you think you’ll opt-out of in the future. Overall, great job!