Talk:Jun Cheng Tan

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Revision as of 22:59, 26 February 2020 by Tmichows (Talk | contribs)

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Alexandra Cortez

I like the structure of your article. Most of the others I've read kind of monotonously go through googling and searching. I like that you focus more on the results and accuracy.

What was accurate? I'm interesting in hearing more about how you felt about military photos being shared of you. Is this also something you keep kind of tucked away in real life? What are the consequences of it being online?

What was inaccurate? I like how you start talking about how your LinkedIn network isn't exactly representative of your real life network. I think this could be interesting to pursue in more detail.

Analysis. I would be interesting in hearing more about the FB profiling test. In the previous paragraph you talk about the balance between real and fake identities online. How does the test play into that?

Conclusion. You bring in a Floridi quote here that I really like. I think it would be nice if this was weaved throughout more, opposed to just appearing in your conclusion.

Tim Michowski

Hi Jun, I enjoyed the introduction as I also had somewhat of a similar experience earlier in my childhood. I feel like you could bring in the readers sooner as it seems they were thrown in just because. I liked the discussion of what it means to not be online. That could be a really strong point to focus on in the article instead of spending most of the article on what is and isn't wrong. I would also cut your introduction at "I behaved online ever since." then start with the quote from your mother to begin the discussion of why you aren't there.

I felt the organization of the article could have been better. The subtitles you used aren't the normal style for major sections of a Wikipedia article. Move your second picture further down because the page feels condensed when it's so close to your other picture. I would also move your expectations to be the first subsection rather than third.