Talk:Caitlyn Zawideh

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Bridget Doherty

I loved your Prezi and Quizlet examples! I surprised to learn that Prezi or Quizlet does not delete accounts with invalid/inactive emails. Your social media analysis was a great response to a small data broker report. Social media profiles seem to be the most obvious way to form a digital identity so it was interesting to see how some privacy settings can affect one’s digital identity. I agree with your last statement that it would be interesting to see how companies see your data, and I think it would be interesting to add a section about that. For example, I know under settings on Facebook you can view what Facebook’s assumes your interests to be and what categories you fall under to advertisers. Overall, I thought your writing style was clear, consistent, and free from any major errors. My only suggestion would be to do a further analysis on the ethical implications of identity representation.

Akash Bajpai

Hi Caitlyn,

Really great data identity report. I thought you did a really good job of following the prompt and using what information was found online about to craft and analyze your online data identity. I thought it was a good idea to break down your different data through various online profiles and discuss what can be found out about each of them. I think one way you could improve this would be to consolidate these profiles into one section. This would make it so that the individual social media profiles don't seem to spare for information. I think additionally, you could expand on some of the reasons you don't have large amounts of data on different profiles like why you chose certain profile settings etc. Apart from that, I wouldn't say you have many grammar or syntax problems that I could catch. Overall really great page, and a very fun read!