Talk:Jack McCafferty

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Yuki Fang

Hi Jack,

I liked how honest you were throughout your analysis and the insights you had about why there was certain information found about you and certain information that couldn't be found - I definitely related when you mentioned using a slightly different name for each of your social media accounts.

I also really liked the point about data brokers not using logic to validate information they have scraped. However, there are definitely cases where kids as young as 10 years old go to college and finish it, so I feel that's a reason why algorithms don't compare your school information to birth year, but it's still a great example of how data brokers only see us as data and not humans.

For suggestions, I would recommend double-checking that you uploaded your pictures correctly or copied the names correctly to your page because the 2 pictures are blank right now. Your reference to class is also very vague to someone who had never read anything from Luciano Floridi and Matteo Turili before - maybe you can give a bit of background or explain how your take on transparency relates to it.

Very enjoyable read though!

Best, Yuki