The Open Internet

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The Open Internet is a phrase that describes the generative, open-source nature of the modern internet. This model allows anyone to build on the net using past innovation and code. Such projects have resulted in the Linux family of operating systems, open collaborative projects such as Wikipedia, and even the ability to add content to the internet. Its essence is massive crowdsourcing, allowing the wisdom of the crowds to create a generative global network. Contrasting this model is the closed-source modeling, most notably Digital Rights Management (DRM).

A Brief History of Public and Proprietary Spaces

The notion of public property goes back far; in the United States, modern copyright law and intellectual property (IP) laws have their beginning in the U.S. constitution. Article 1, Section 8, clause 8 reads:

"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."


In its current form, the U.S. copyright law protects creative works for the duration of the author's (or authors') life plus 70 years. [2]

The Beginnings of the Internet

The Proprietary Model: Closed Source

Before the internet--as a mass, global network--existed, there were many networks operated centrally by corporations; users couldn't add to the network, contrary to the modern internet, and users could only access and view content and services directly offered by the corporation that owned the network. However, these networks still relied on the telephone network of AT&T. Such proprietary networks included CompuServe, America Online, Prodigy, GEnie. These networks, unlike the larger internet, could not interact with each other.[3] To access content (again, which was wholly controlled by the owning company), users had to sign in to the company's servers; instead of these proprietary networks being generative [3], users could only access content that the company explicitly approved. Often, programmers were contracted out to create content for the servers, but, especially in the case of CompuServe, available content was left largely unchanged. [3]

The Generative Model: The Open Internet

Unlike proprietary networks, where users could not interact with the network in anyway they could imagine, the open internet rose not to offer a specific service, but to simply be a way to connect anyone to anyone; there was no intended purpose for the internet other than to connect individuals simply for the sake of connecting. Initially, the only computers capable of connecting to the internet were those in university computer and research labs, connecting not by a modem but by a direct connection, which was unavailable to the early PCs.[3] The software that allowed PCs to connect to a phone line, Windows Sockets API, wasn't available; Peter Tattam wrote a form of the Windows Sockets API(Winsock) called Trumpet Winsock that allowed individual PCs to connect. In addition, he distributed it as shareware, offering it for free and only asking for a donation if people used it beyond a certain test period.[3]

Open Source vs. Closed Source

Personal Testimonials

Matt Asay, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Canonical--which is responsible for the Ubuntu Linux operating system--writes:
Is open-source support better? No, not necessarily. It does a better job of meeting customer needs with lower risk and lower prices, and allows them to more easily support themselves. As for whether the person on the other side of the call is competent and diligent to resolve the customer's issue, that differs from company to company, and project to project.

Just like in proprietary software.[4]

Ethical Concerns

The idea of the "open internet" implies a certain transparency amongst all users; when the goal is to better define and enhance what already exists, full disclosure of code and intentions is necessary to create

See Also


  1. Wikipedia: Copyright Clause. [1]
  2. United States Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S. Code, Chapter 3, Section 302. [2]
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Zittrain, Jonathan. The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008. Print.