Parasocial Relationship

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Parasocial relationships are "one-sided relationship that can occur between a media user and the media being consumed.”[1] Parasocial relationships typically occur between a celebrity and their audience – for example, an influencer and her followers. Through a combination of physical performance (talking informally, addressing the viewers in a conversational tone) and digital performance (posting photos that encourage audience engagement, commenting on posts, etc.) the audience are led to believe that the presenter knows them personally, creating an illusion of intimacy.

How do parasocial relationships form?

The process to forming a parasocial relationship is very similar to that of a real friendship.[2] At the start of new friendships, frequent and regular communication “promote the reduction of uncertainty,” which in turn promote frequent and regular communication. Next, this “decreased uncertainty… promotes liking, or interpersonal attraction.” Finally, the positive correlation between interpersonal attraction and intimacy causes the friends to get closer.

This cycle is easily translatable to media, as more exposure to personalities reduces our uncertainty about them, increasing their appeal. As we grow to like these celebrities, we perceive ourselves to be in an intimate relationship, despite having never interacted with them.


  1. Forming Parasocial Relationships in Online Communities
  2. [ The Development of Parasocial Relationships on YouTube]