Talk:Samantha Cohen

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Revision as of 04:27, 5 March 2018 by Corinak (Talk | contribs)

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Great post! I also analyzed myself through Instagram. Your subtitles keep the reader engaged, and I love how you "stalked yourself" to try to understand how you're seen through the eyes of your followers.

I find your conclusion interesting. You claim that because your Instagram does not display the full version of yourself, it is not authentic. However, some parts of your Instagram display the “real” you. Do you think that it is possible to display a portion of your authentic self? Or do you think that authenticity is only possible when you show your true, full self? If that is the case, maybe only a handful of people know your authentic self. I’d like to see you touch on this idea more.

I am also curious if you feel that your audience influences how you post on Instagram. Maybe your audience influences why you disclose less of your true self?

Super minor thing: “went through all 179 posts in my profile” —> 179 should be changed to 180 to match your cover photo

All your pictures and captions are great, making it a really easy read. Great job!!

- Caroline Gilhool

Reeya Shah (reeyas): This is a great post! I really liked how you proposed a question at the beginning of your post because it allowed me to think about my own Instagram account and see how your initial views relate to mine. It was interesting how you went through specific posts from your Instagram and picked out the important aspects that you were trying to portray to your followers. The heading a ‘A Zest For Life’ is unique and offers a different perspective on your life that viewers are able to understand. I think it would be helpful if you pointed out the location tag on your Instagram photos so readers can see how they would know that you are in a different city or attending a unique event. For example, in the picture of you and your friend at the Big House, you could have pointed out the significance of having the location set to Alice Lloyd Hall. I think the parts of your post where you describe specific pictures and their significance you could have added course concepts. For example for the close friendship topic, a concept about your authentic self could have been incorporated. I think the header “But, @Sammiebryn are you really me?” is powerful because it shows that you are being honest about your online identity and want to make it clear that your Instagram account is not a holistic representation of yourself.

Lastly, I believe you could have made this post stronger by offering a counter-argument to what a follower might take away from your Instagram post. This could be an example of someone who does not view yourself the same way as you do. You could analyze how this plays into you not showing your full self on social media platforms. I thought it was great how you tied the concept of a picture being worth a thousand words to the end of your post. This brings your thoughts full circle. Overall, great post!

Corina's comment

Excellent work, Samantha!

You did a great job reflecting on our course's themes and your style is fresh and engaging.

When revising, consider your colleagues’ comments above: they are spot on.

Please consider them fully for your revision.

If you have any questions, or need help, please let me know.

