Talk:Julien Childress

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Revision as of 04:21, 5 March 2018 by Corinak (Talk | contribs)

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Sean Yoon's Comment

Hello Julien. First of all, I really find your structure of your autobiography as a easy read because of the way that each section solely describes its main point. This was a very nice way for me to keep track on what you are trying to convey in the specific section. The section "Caption This" gave me a good understanding on how you can incorporate your own identity into a picture that could be irrelevant/misunderstood without your caption. The section "A-E-S-T-H-E-T-I-C" gave me an insight about how you view seriously on the way you present yourself on the picture; I especially agree with this idea, as aesthetic and genuine pictures tend to convey yourself more truly and, to some extent, beautifies you. Other later sections all conveyed your idea of online-identity and how you would like to portray yourself on Instagram.

One main suggestion that I would like to have you consider is bringing section "Who is @JulienChildress" towards the beginning of your autobiography. To a certain extent, I could see it as a simple and straightforward way for you to conclude your autobiography, as you have directly mentioned that @JulienChildress is who you identity yourself as in the online world. However, I feel like the entire autobiography structure would flow better if it was placed towards the beginning of your autobiography, as readers will get the idea of not only your intention on trying to be genuine and authentic as possible, but also on your utilization of Instagram to construct your online identity.

Overall, your writing conveys a really nice idea about your online identity on Instagram. I appreciate your willingness to share a rather personal aspect about your social media. Great job!

Khyatee Desai's Comment

Hey Julien, Cool post! It was very readable and straightforward due to the structure you chose. I like that you chose to just focus on one social media - Instagram, as I think it helped focus your piece and allowed you to delve a little deeper into exploring your online identity on Instagram. I also enjoyed your approach of segmenting by different instagram posts and breaking down the image/caption into how they work together to convey something deeper. My favorite section was "Caption This," because I appreciate how you touch on the humor you use in your Instagram, and how the different aspects of the post compound to create a new meaning.

My main suggestion would be to perhaps work on the flow of your paragraphs-- especially the first one-- to allow your sentences to flow into one another a little better. Aside from that, I think it could be cool to dive a little deeper into the meaning/intention/psychological aspects of your online identity - looking into why you post the things you do, why you choose certain captions, what reactions you hope they elicit from your followers, etc. Overall, nice job!

Corina's comment

Great work, Julien!

The structure is well-done and your connection between your online identity and our readings is great.

For revision, take into account the great comments you received from your classmates.

