Talk:Saul Bravo

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Revision as of 03:42, 5 March 2018 by Corinak (Talk | contribs)

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Samantha Cohen (samcoh): I really liked your introduction! It gave a good overview as to why you decided to make a twitter account for yourself, considering you are not a huge social media user. I think your autobiography would be stronger if you talked more about how you represent yourself on your Twitter account. Besides Twitter being a way to stay up to date, what does it show about your identity? You could talk about the shift in accounts who used follow, and compare it to the accounts you follow now. Then you can describe how your twitter reflects your growth as a person. Also, you can talk about whether or not Twitter demonstrates your overall progression as a person, and if your account is representative of you today, or who you were in high school. I really liked the pictures your chose to include in this, but I think you should try to break up your writing into more powerful sections.The biggest suggestion I have to improve this is to focus more on talking about how you are represented on your Twitter account, and to add a reading to build upon your argument.

Sanika Babtiwale: I think exploring your history with Twitter is a great start to this assignment. I do have some suggestions for revising your piece. While your introduction provides a quick summary of how you got involved on Twitter, I think you could add to the paragraph by discussing why this social media platform, in particular, is key to your online identity and what aspects you intend to focus on in this autobiography. Furthermore, I believe your piece could be structured better. Although the rest of your essay focuses on your beginning and current status on Twitter, I feel that the ideas within those sections can be broken up even further. You could talk about how your limited use of Twitter affects your friendships with people you joined it for, or why you chose Twitter specifically to help you find interest pages for better content. Finally, cite readings that support your argument.

Great start, Saul!

When revising, consider your colleagues’ comments above: they are spot on.

Please consider them fully for your revision.

If you have any questions, or need help, please let me know.

