Talk:Brian Liggio

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Revision as of 22:47, 20 February 2018 by Reeyas (Talk | contribs)

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This Is a comment. - Jacob Kreinik

Reeya Shah(reeyas): This is a great post and offers a new perspective on Facebook and Instagram. I think in the beginning you could add a sentence about how you will be talking about your transition from Facebook and Instagram to offer more clarity to your Instagram screenshot at the top as opposed to a picture from Facebook. Before you start talking about Floridi when discussing your identity on Facebook, I think it would be helpful to add a sentence leading into his concept. This would help make that part of your post flow better. I liked how you described your transition to Instagram. I think you made really good points about the platform that are often not spoken about such as posting at “primetime” and establishing a presence on the platform by the number of likes you get on a picture. You tied this well into how this impacted your own identity, however, I think if you picked a specific post and explained how you presented yourself that would have been really helpful. I also think you could have added more course concepts into your post. For example, when describing your Instagram identity, a concept about your authentic self could have been added. I enjoyed reading the last part of your post because you tied it back to using Facebook and your transition to other platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Great post!