User:V Greene

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Revision as of 16:47, 2 October 2011 by V Greene (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Virgie Greene is a 20 year old junior at Michigan. She studies Atmospheric, oceanic, and space sciences engineering. She loves it. She is also a member of the women's field hocke...")

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Virgie Greene is a 20 year old junior at Michigan. She studies Atmospheric, oceanic, and space sciences engineering. She loves it. She is also a member of the women's field hockey team. She is from Santa Barbara California. She graduated from Santa Barbara High School in 2009. She grew up going to the beach almost everyday, that is one thing that she really misses being in Michigan 9-10 months out of the year. She is currently training for a triathlon. Her favorite color is green and favorite foods are gyros. She has never had ponchero's. In her free time, she likes to play her guitar and ukulele.