Talk:Rebecca Lawson

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Revision as of 07:18, 1 April 2016 by Leftakes (Talk | contribs)

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Comment #1: Very clever way to talk about your Facebook profile! I thought each section was interesting and showed how you use Facebook in a very creative way. My favorite part of this article is how you tried to explain some of your actions. It's one thing to say I post a lot of picture or have a lot of Facebook friends but I think the important question is to ask why we behave in certain ways. Online behavior can be analyzed and studied in the same way that offline behavior can be. I think one way to improve this piece would be to really expand on the "Why". You briefly state what each letter stands for and how it relates to your Facebook account but I think you could expand on the reason behind your actions. In your conclusion, you make a very bold statement by saying it may be dishonest. I think that’s a great word to use and people aren’t as up front about how different their online identity is from their offline. However, that statement has a lot of power as well as ethical implications. I like your strong conclusion because you take ownership of your profile and admit that it isn’t your true self. My question has always been “Who gets to decide if someone is being ‘real’ on Facebook?” You go ahead and answer that for me by saying that our Facebook profile is what we want it to be. I think as long as people are being honest with themselves and can separate their offline and online identities, there would be less issues of authenticity online. Like I said, my suggestion would to be to explore some of the reasons for certain actions. Is it a personal choice or is there something in the Facebook community that makes you behave in a certain way? I would love to hear more about the reasons of why you portray yourself online in the way that you do!


Comment #2: