Talk:Alexis Smith

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Revision as of 15:16, 15 November 2011 by T Oneill (Talk | contribs)

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I like Alexis's reflection of the features she chose to create her avatar and her fantasy avatar. I particularly like the way she described the fantasy avatar by the things that she is not. It is not often that given the opportunity to change something about ourselves, the creator chooses to change Everything, and that choice is something bold and adventurous that not everyone can make. Most people want to change something small, or a few small characteristics. I also like the way the author integrated the movie "Mean Girls" into her reflection; the struggle that the main character felt when trying to fit in with the popular crowd is something with which the author seems to relate. Perhaps she underwent the same struggle and, like the movie, ultimately realized that she does not need to change herself to fit in with other people. As far as challenges with creating the avatar, the author discusses the lack of selection choices for the facial makeup and skin tone of her personal avatar.