Talk:Carl Elgin

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Revision as of 16:59, 13 November 2011 by J Watts (Talk | contribs)

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I’ve also had a history of playing several MMORPGs and RPGs in general where the creation of avatars is essential and I’m inclined to agree with you on your point that there really isn’t much of a need for extremely detailed avatars in-game. The details of the avatar are indeed not as important as the avatars actions and advancement throughout the game itself.

I thought you did a good job in documenting the issues you experienced while creating your self portrait avatar, but think that you could have made better use of your two outside sources throughout your reflection as a whole.

Your description of your frustrations throughout the process of creating your self portrait avatar were thorough and, I believe, accurate. However, throughout those descriptions I think you could have done a better job using your Body Image and Self-image wiki sources to further elaborate your points, as well as bring in outside sources to anchor your reflection in information other than just your personal opinions. You may have done this, and I may have missed it, but I do not recall any concrete references to your two sources in your writings.

Your writing was clear and very natural. I never found myself thinking twice about any of the ideas you expressed through your writings. The organization of your reflection was great, and you separated your content well with the use of descriptive headers.

-J Watts