Diablo III

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Diablo 3 game box design.

Diablo 3 is an online action multiplayer role-playing game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment in May, 2012 for both PC and OS platforms. Like its predecessors, Diablo 3 preserves its third-person hack and slash style of gameplay while offering users with many new additions to improve gaming experience. Having been popularized by its previous two predecessors, the release of Diablo 3 was accompanied by the highest selling records in the history of computer game releases, totaling over 35 million copies sold within the first 24 hours(1).


Taking place in a the world of Sanctuary(5), players assume the role of one of the five heroes: The Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard, and Demon hunter. Each hero has a distinctive storyline and background as well as their unique set of weapons, skills, and resource system. The style of gameplay varies greatly depending on the hero that the player chooses to play. The different styles of gameplay is furthermore increased through the combinations of weapons and armor the player wishes to use, different skills players chose to use and the newly integrated rune system(4).

The storyline is divided into four different ACTS, each taking place in a different setting. In each ACT, players will need to complete a quest chain by navigating through randomly generated maps and dungeons filled with many types of monsters and bosses. The monsters will increase in difficulty as players progress throughout the game. At the end of each ACT, players will be challenged with a final boss, which takes more effort to defeat. The death of each boss is often accompanied by a cut scene revealing an important section of the storyline.

When a player completes all four acts, the player is will be granted the choice of moving onto the next level of difficulty. In total, there are four different levels of difficulty: Normal, Nightmare, Hell and finally Inferno. The Inferno difficulty was a new installment in Diablo 3 for re-playability. The Inferno difficulty was implemented to challenge players who have finished the game, and offered incentives of better gold and item finds(10).


Twenty years have passed since Diablo 2, the long awaited demonic evasion is imminent. The lone wanderer witnesses the fragmented shooting star, a predicament passed on through fore-tellings. Thus begins the journey of the hero in New Tristram. At New Tristram, the traveler is faced with demonic forces, indicating that the invasion has already began.

Hero Classes

In Diablo 3, there are five different heroes which a player can choose from. Each hero holds different back story as well as playing styles as determined by its set of available skills, items and resource system(11).

The Barbarianis one of the two class to have been preserved from Diablo 2. The Barbarian is based off brute strength.

The Demon Hunter

The Witch Doctor

The Monk

The Wizard

Ethical Issues

Gold Farming

A major ethical issue faced in Diablo 3 is the issue of 'gold farming'. Traditionally, the issue of gold farming started in China, where gamers undertake terrible living conditions to perform repetitive tasks in order to gain virtual currency. After, players sell the accumulated in-game currency for real-world currencies. As a method of mitigating this issue, Blizzard incorporated an Auction house system into the game which includes a feature allowing players to trade in-game items and currency for real-world currencies. However, the implementation of the auction house has been viewed by many as a 'virtual sweatshop' where Blizzard collects a dollar + 15% of all transactions(6). With the auction house, Blizzard also has the power to set different rates for in-game to real-world currencies.

Power Leveling

Another prevailing ethical issue similar to gold farming is the issue of power leveling services. Against the code of conduct on Diablo 3, many gamers will offer to level up one's character for a small fee(8). This, often times, involve either the seller to manually level up, use bots and scripts to level up characters or sell bots and scripts to the user to level up their characters with(9).

DRM (Digital rights management)

A major complaint brought to Blizzard by a majority of the gaming community is the issue of Diablo 3's DRM (Digital rights management). Unlike both of its predecessors, Diablo 3 can no longer played offline. Instead, all players are required to log into Battle.net and remain connected for the duration of their game. Diablo 3's DRM raised a lot of debates regarding the "stripping away of ownership rights in place of leasing non-tangible, non-sustainable services."(7)


1. http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/724035/diablo-3-breaks-pc-sales-records-moves-more-than-35-million-units-in-24-hours/

2. http://www.ign.com/articles/2008/06/28/diablo-iii-officially-announced

3. http://www.pcworld.com/article/255622/a_guide_to_the_classes_in_diablo_iii.html

4. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/game/what-is

5. http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/723793/diablo-3-beginner-guide-welcome-to-sanctuary/

6. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/131615-diablo-3-the-blizzard-sweatshop

7. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/GOG-com-Says-Diablo-3-DRM-Danger-Gaming-History-42969.html

8. http://www.diablo3-power-leveling.com/

9. http://www.powerlevelaion.com/Diablo-3-power-leveling.html

10. http://d3authority.com/whats-the-difference-between-the-diablo-3-difficulty-levels/

11. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/game/what-is

12. http://www.gamefront.com/diablo-3-lore-guide/3/